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Chaos of the Mind

Glen Trainor

2 min read

Mar 9



Just got back from a lengthy stay in a sunny clime. Two months living in a coastal town in Mexico to avoid the cold, rain, sleet, and snow of Vancouver. Life changing experience. Came back with numerous ideas for more songs. These ideas are fragments of chord progressions, titles, phrases and loose melodies over one or two bars. I also came back with a combination of the story being almost written and needing to be re-written. The main character turned into being someone completely different then he started out to be so the entire start of the book needs to be re-written. His job, his crisis, his demeanor needs to be completely re-written. The third character is going to play a much more dominant role in the book contributing significantly more to both the main character's crisis and revelation and resolution of crisis. And there is going to a more significant theme running through the book, perhaps even two themes that are loosely linked.

So I need to go back and not only change the start of the book. but also pay more attention to timelines and the interaction between the two themes. Its a sticky place to be, but its caramel-apple sticky. Its fun, its sugary, its annoying when it sticks to your teeth and pulls out a few fillings but eventually the turmoil in your gut caused by the sugar overload is tamed by the natural goodness of getting to the apple. Its gonna take a while to get to the apple, but its in sight.... I may not know if its green, red, or yellow, golden delicious, granny smith, or macintosh, but i know its gonna be good.

Shout out to my writing coach/mentor Paul Donnett of Writer Jump . I joined his 6-month Story in Media Certificate Program and shamelessly adopted and twisted his candy-apple metaphor for my own purposes.

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